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E-Business/E-Commerce Solutions

Customized Web Applications, E-Commerce and E Business

Panzer Technologies’ E-business solutions are much committed to creating e-commerce solutions’ for Small as well as Medium enterprises that of course require web interface to complete the entire picture. We provide customized web-interface to resolve web issues and make extensive use of the Internet in resolving e-commerce solutions.

Whatever may be the web issues, be it B2B (business to business), B2C (business to customers), peer to peer(P2P),custom E-business, custom e-commerce, custom Auctions, E-Business consulting, E-business transformation, or perhaps even digital supply based chain solutions. In other words, Panzer Technologies has an array of Internet strategies, which make it possible for our clients to reach their respective goals. The focus is on custom web application.

Panzer Technologies has many more technology offers such as latest techniques in HTML 4.0, Java Script, XHTML with W3C standard apart from many other client oriented technologies. Panzer Technologies also specializes in developing various websites making use of ASPNET, Coldfusion, PHP server side technologies. or ASP.

Panzer Technologies has made a mark among business to business companies. We have also attained much distinction in custom web application development. Our custom web application is indeed based on professional approach to web solutions and our clients find such approach very beneficial to their business.